Please refrain from using your personal account for communication with third parties or other departments.
For all communications, kindly use the following Telegram Account. Let's practice using a designated TG account to avoid miscommunication and, overlooking of any queries.
🟣PG 1 - TG 1
🟣PG 2 - TG 2
🟣PG 3 - TG 3
🟣Local Bank | WD INV - TG 4
NTTB VIETCOM | PMT_VND 1 | @vndpayment1 |
NTTB SACOM | PMT_VND 2 | @vndpayment2 |
NTTB BIDV | PMT_VND 3 | @vndpayment3 |
NTTB VIETIN | PMT_VND 4 | @vndpayment4 |
BJ88 Phone | BJ88 VND PAYMENT | @bj88vndpgold |
TCB D10 | BJ88 VND Payment (Official) | @bj88vndofficial |