We may create more files if we have lots of banks to avoid delay in our google sheets when many members uses it at one time.
Step 1. Open the current file that we have and make a copy.

Step 2. Rename the file. Please follow the example file name:

VND-BJ88 FEBRUARY 2025 WITHDRAWAL Step 3. There are formulas we do not need to change anymore like in column L, hide the column and, continue to delete old records.

step 3. after deleting the details, Update the formula in column A

just follow the same formula in the sheet and, just update the date, day/mm/yy

Check the formula under current balance it must be =IF(A$INPUT NUMBER="Approved",L4,0) in this example approved remarks is in A45 so the formula must be =IF(A$45="Approved",L4,0) because, if you go back to column a "approved" is under on cell A45

below this formula we must put =IF(A$45="Approved",F4+D5-E5,F4) still the approved cell is in teh formula

> copy this formula until the end of the sheet

-the formula for the running balance is the last cell on the sheet on the current balance -the opening balance can be manually encoded (this is the ending balance of last month)

do some testing to check whether the formula is working, always put a date to make it work

Do this in all active banks

Step 4. Update formula in DS

deposit - just change the sheet name for done DP remarks =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$32)) for done WD remarks - just change the sheet name =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$32))*-1 for 3rd party (for refund) =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$34)) for 3rd party (refunded) =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$35))*-1 test/other =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$44)-('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$44)) top up =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$42)) unclaimed =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$33)) Bank interest/fee =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$37))*-1 Bank Rebate =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$22999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$22999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$36)) Bank Fund Received =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!D$4:D$12999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$12999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$12999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$43)) Bank Fund Transfer =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$33999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$33999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$33999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$40))*-1 Marketing Spending =sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$12999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$12999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$12999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$38))*-1 Sales Commission ( for WD)
=sumproduct(('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!E$4:E$12999)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!B$4:B$12999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A4)*('VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!J$4:J$12999='VTB - W2 - CTCUTTVTTAM'!A$39))*-1 Settlement (for DP)
=sumproduct(('VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!E$4:E$12996)*('VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!B$4:B$12996='VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!A4)*('VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!J$4:J$12996='VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!A$41))*-1

Step 5. Bank Balance

for txn count & fund in amount you can only count the banks in that sheet, in this example we can only count the txn for MSB - D1 - CTOMA0729
Let's have VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX for example,
for txn count
=countifs('VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!C5:C20001,"*",'VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!B5:B20001,D1)
for fund in amount
=sumproduct(('VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!D4:D19997)*('VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX '!B4:B19997=D1))
for bank balance
=IMPORTRANGE("insert url of the bank", "SheetName!C1")
=IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1288C0VJwBoo9XPzrNufERo7C-qT88Bcv8CQcLqcLE9o/edit?gid=1861045095#gid=1861045095", "VCB - D4 - CTTNTTSLX!C1")
Target txn/remarks/requested top up are manually encoded.
Do this in all sheets then to pull up a value from one file to another in the bank balance
you may use this formula just replace the sheet name to bank balance and the cell of the value you want to display.
=IMPORTRANGE("insert url of the bank", "SheetName!C1")
=IMPORTRANGE("https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18fhodiSCJJRHc2ffado1LoQO6JH5l5GMKXVGfkjWEEE/edit?gid=1575232983#gid=1575232983", "BANK BALANCE!E7")
